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How a Planner Learns to be Present

Sweet friend, there’s been something on my heart for a while.

It’s something I’ve been working on and striving toward and struggling with - and it’s been taking serious courage.

I gotta tell ya, it may not be what you think.

This month, we’re talkin’ -

How a Planner Learns to be Present

Ufda! Let’s get into it.

Personally, I struggle with being where my feet are. When it comes down to it, staying present in the moment is not my strong suit!

I am a planner at heart. I believe in using this gift to thoughtfully prepare for so many things - and serve so many people through what I plan!

I think this gift is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it puts my mind in a future state most of the time. But truthfully, I think it’s also where the answer to my struggle actually lies.

Tell me if this sounds like you, too ...

When I plan a gathering, I put a lot of thought into the food, the decor, and the space. I prep task lists and schedules to ensure that things go smoothly. I reach out for help and encourage the people around me to use their gifts and talents to help celebrate the guest of honor.

I don't know about you, but when I plan, I LOVE putting the needs of each party guest above all else. I follow The Uncommon Way, and I fill out a little custom guide called “A Little More Care.”

(Psst ... If you’re not sure what the heck these are, you can always check them out in Host + Gather - our ultimate party-planning masterclass!)

The planning process can seem extensive. To some, it may even seem like overkill! But I truly believe that having a thoughtful plan in place ahead of time gives me the opportunity to be present when the day finally arrives.

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The reason we work so hard on planning is so that we can enjoy being in the moment.

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Now, don't get me wrong! The day of the party can still have its stressful moments. It can feel a little scary to believe that everything is, in fact, taken care of. But ultimately, I have to find the courage to let others take the reigns and to let the Lord show up and show off!

I’ve noticed that during every celebration, there’s always a moment when the Lord quiets everything down a bit.

In that moment, I can look around at each guest, their needs having been met and their presence having been honored, and I can take a deep breath. I can just be with my people - which is what gathering is truly all about!

What’s so funny to me is that I can’t predict or schedule when exactly that moment will happen - and yet, it always does!

I truly just have to trust that that moment will come. And then I can take it all in, one moment at a time.

> So tell me! <

If you struggle with being present too, tell me how you handle it! 

And remember, if you need some guidance to help you plan a gathering that you and your guests truly enjoy - check out Host + Gather! It was made just for thoughtful planners like you.

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We’ve got your back, sweet friend!

-The Uncommon Team


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1 Peter 4:10

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